“Many believe the SGA is the voice of the students, established to amplify their needs, complaints, and desires. However, a voice simply reiterates, and this organization goes beyond that. Nonetheless, despite the wide parameters of our responsibilities, this government is rooted in one constant conviction; The students come first, and they can be comforted with the knowledge that (in all we do) we will never forget that.”
“The SGA listens, the SGA cares”- the words that guide the 2024/2025 SGA tenure. I believe these words encapsulate what the SGA is to me; we are a body that listens to our fellow students, understands the needs of the entire student body, and actively works towards enduring that we all have the best student experience possible.
To me, in our position as student leaders, to care means to act. We were empowered by the votes of the student body and it is their right upon us that we act immediately and efficiently to solve any and all problems that we are presented with.
We genuinely listen, we infinitely care and we industrially act
“The 2024/2025 SGA tenure promised to be a student based and driven, I am happy that we have never swayed from that mind set.”
“The SGA treasurer is an Executive position which comes with the responsibility that helps the SGA to work as a team properly, I have the function of providing us with any resource. The SGA treasurer is a vital role because it helps them to manage the resources and making sure every department has a running course in order to carry out its responsibility to the school. Being the treasurer is a wonderful opportunity for me as it has helped me prepare for the real world.”